NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions

The Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions (HWS) is co-lead by Clarkson University and SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry and delivers synergistic problem-solving on the wide range of water issues impacting New York State and beyond. Leveraging collaboration across academia, industry, government, and stakeholders, our mission is to generate solutions that help protect and improve waters for sustainable natural environments, healthy populations, resilient communities, and sound economies.

Funded Research Topics

The Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions’ research focus is comprehensive, spanning multiple areas within water science from the management of water resources in terms of quality (including traditional and emerging contaminants) and quantity (including built and natural environments), to addressing the associated societal issues.

Common loons as sentinel species for environmental health, PFAS and mercury exposure in New York's waters

Linking Nutrient Run-off to Sources Using Microbial Source-Tracking in the Cayuga Lake Watershed

Water Research Workshop for High School Students

Development of a chemoselective electrochemical sensor for perfluorooctanoic acid in real aqua environments

Pilot Testing of Ammonia Vacuum Stripping and Absorption on Multiple Waste Streams

NYS Innovation Summit

Water Resources Planning and Management

  • Sustainable infrastructure planning
  • High resolution mapping and forecasting via low-cost sensors coupled with advanced data analytics
  • Determine water consumption patterns and factors influencing consumption via detection systems and advanced data analytics
  • Identify social and policy dimensions of water management challenges
  • Improve approaches to community engagement, outreach, and education

Emerging and Traditional Contaminants

  • Innovative PFAS treatment
  • Sensor development for watershed management using citizen science
  • Materials for cost effective nutrient recovery
  • Solar-energy driven water desalination
  • Aquaculture for nutrient management
  • Resource recovery process development for improved agricultural land management
  • Conservation, restoration, and enhancement of aquatic habitats
  • Predict and protect against HABs
  • Hg fate and transport in aquatic systems

Water in the Natural Environment

  • Predict and prevent flooding; predict and manage drought
  • Preserve and restore wetlands
  • Track microbial sources; microbial risk assessment
  • Manage landscapes to reduce loading of stressors to water bodies
  • Model sediment transport